Setting up a robot simulation (Basic)

Goal: Setup a robot simulation and control it from ROS 2.

Tutorial level: Advanced

Time: 30 minutes


In this tutorial, you are going to use the Webots robot simulator to set-up and run a very simple ROS 2 simulation scenario.

The webots_ros2 package provides an interface between ROS 2 and Webots. It includes several sub-packages, but in this tutorial, you are going to use only the webots_ros2_driver sub-package to implement a Python or C++ plugin controlling a simulated robot. Some other sub-packages contain demos with different robots such as the TurtleBot3. They are documented in the Webots ROS 2 examples page.


It is recommended to understand basic ROS principles covered in the beginner Tutorials. In particular, Using turtlesim, ros2, and rqt, Understanding topics, Creating a workspace, Creating a package and Creating a launch file are useful prerequisites.

The Linux and ROS commands of this tutorial can be run in a standard Linux terminal. The following page Installation (Ubuntu) explains how to install the webots_ros2 package on Linux.

This tutorial is compatible with version 2023.1.0 of webots_ros2 and Webots R2023b, as well as upcoming versions.


1 Create the package structure

Let’s organize the code in a custom ROS 2 package. Create a new package named my_package from the src folder of your ROS 2 workspace. Change the current directory of your terminal to ros2_ws/src and run:

ros2 pkg create --build-type ament_python --license Apache-2.0 --node-name my_robot_driver my_package --dependencies rclpy geometry_msgs webots_ros2_driver

The --node-name my_robot_driver option will create a template Python plugin in the my_package subfolder that you will modify later. The --dependencies rclpy geometry_msgs webots_ros2_driver option specifies the packages needed by the plugin in the package.xml file.

Let’s add a launch and a worlds folder inside the my_package folder.

cd my_package
mkdir launch
mkdir worlds

You should end up with the following folder structure:

└── my_package/
    ├── launch/
    ├── my_package/
    │   ├──
    │   └──
    ├── resource/
    │   └── my_package
    ├── test/
    │   ├──
    │   ├──
    │   └──
    ├── worlds/
    ├── package.xml
    ├── setup.cfg

2 Setup the simulation world

You will need a world file containing a robot to launch your simulation. Download this world file and move it inside my_package/worlds/.

This is actually a fairly simple text file you can visualize in a text editor. A simple robot is already included in this my_world.wbt world file.


In case you want to learn how to create your own robot model in Webots, you can check this tutorial.

3 Edit the my_robot_driver plugin

The webots_ros2_driver sub-package automatically creates a ROS 2 interface for most sensors. More details on existing device interfaces and how to configure them is given in the second part of the tutorial: Setting up a robot simulation (Advanced). In this task, you will extend this interface by creating your own custom plugin. This custom plugin is a ROS node equivalent to a robot controller. You can use it to access the Webots robot API and create your own topics and services to control your robot.


The purpose of this tutorial is to show a basic example with a minimum number of dependencies. However, you could avoid the use of this plugin by using another webots_ros2 sub-package named webots_ros2_control, introducing a new dependency. This other sub-package creates an interface with the ros2_control package that facilitates the control of a differential wheeled robot.

Open my_package/my_package/ in your favorite editor and replace its contents with the following:

import rclpy
from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist


class MyRobotDriver:
    def init(self, webots_node, properties):
        self.__robot = webots_node.robot

        self.__left_motor = self.__robot.getDevice('left wheel motor')
        self.__right_motor = self.__robot.getDevice('right wheel motor')



        self.__target_twist = Twist()

        self.__node = rclpy.create_node('my_robot_driver')
        self.__node.create_subscription(Twist, 'cmd_vel', self.__cmd_vel_callback, 1)

    def __cmd_vel_callback(self, twist):
        self.__target_twist = twist

    def step(self):
        rclpy.spin_once(self.__node, timeout_sec=0)

        forward_speed = self.__target_twist.linear.x
        angular_speed = self.__target_twist.angular.z

        command_motor_left = (forward_speed - angular_speed * HALF_DISTANCE_BETWEEN_WHEELS) / WHEEL_RADIUS
        command_motor_right = (forward_speed + angular_speed * HALF_DISTANCE_BETWEEN_WHEELS) / WHEEL_RADIUS


As you can see, the MyRobotDriver class implements three methods.

The first method, named init(self, ...), is actually the ROS node counterpart of the Python __init__(self, ...) constructor. The init method always takes two arguments:

  • The webots_node argument contains a reference on the Webots instance.

  • The properties argument is a dictionary created from the XML tags given in the URDF files (4 Create the my_robot.urdf file) and allows you to pass parameters to the controller.

The robot instance from the simulation self.__robot can be used to access the Webots robot API. Then, it gets the two motor instances and initializes them with a target position and a target velocity. Finally a ROS node is created and a callback method is registered for a ROS topic named /cmd_vel that will handle Twist messages.

def init(self, webots_node, properties):
    self.__robot = webots_node.robot

    self.__left_motor = self.__robot.getDevice('left wheel motor')
    self.__right_motor = self.__robot.getDevice('right wheel motor')



    self.__target_twist = Twist()

    self.__node = rclpy.create_node('my_robot_driver')
    self.__node.create_subscription(Twist, 'cmd_vel', self.__cmd_vel_callback, 1)

Then comes the implementation of the __cmd_vel_callback(self, twist) callback private method that will be called for each Twist message received on the /cmd_vel topic and will save it in the self.__target_twist member variable.

def __cmd_vel_callback(self, twist):
    self.__target_twist = twist

Finally, the step(self) method is called at every time step of the simulation. The call to rclpy.spin_once() is needed to keep the ROS node running smoothly. At each time step, the method will retrieve the desired forward_speed and angular_speed from self.__target_twist. As the motors are controlled with angular velocities, the method will then convert the forward_speed and angular_speed into individual commands for each wheel. This conversion depends on the structure of the robot, more specifically on the radius of the wheel and the distance between them.

def step(self):
    rclpy.spin_once(self.__node, timeout_sec=0)

    forward_speed = self.__target_twist.linear.x
    angular_speed = self.__target_twist.angular.z

    command_motor_left = (forward_speed - angular_speed * HALF_DISTANCE_BETWEEN_WHEELS) / WHEEL_RADIUS
    command_motor_right = (forward_speed + angular_speed * HALF_DISTANCE_BETWEEN_WHEELS) / WHEEL_RADIUS


4 Create the my_robot.urdf file

You now have to create a URDF file to declare the MyRobotDriver plugin. This will allow the webots_ros2_driver ROS node to launch the plugin and connect it to the target robot.

In the my_package/resource folder create a text file named my_robot.urdf with this content:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<robot name="My robot">
        <plugin type="my_package.my_robot_driver.MyRobotDriver" />

The type attribute specifies the path to the class given by the hierarchical structure of files. webots_ros2_driver is responsible for loading the class based on the specified package and modules.


This simple URDF file doesn’t contain any link or joint information about the robot as it is not needed in this tutorial. However, URDF files usually contain much more information as explained in the URDF tutorial.


Here the plugin does not take any input parameter, but this can be achieved with a tag containing the parameter name.

<plugin type="my_package.my_robot_driver.MyRobotDriver">

This is namely used to pass parameters to existing Webots device plugins (see Setting up a robot simulation (Advanced)).

5 Create the launch file

Let’s create the launch file to easily launch the simulation and the ROS controller with a single command. In the my_package/launch folder create a new text file named with this code:

import os
import launch
from launch import LaunchDescription
from ament_index_python.packages import get_package_share_directory
from webots_ros2_driver.webots_launcher import WebotsLauncher
from webots_ros2_driver.webots_controller import WebotsController

def generate_launch_description():
    package_dir = get_package_share_directory('my_package')
    robot_description_path = os.path.join(package_dir, 'resource', 'my_robot.urdf')

    webots = WebotsLauncher(
        world=os.path.join(package_dir, 'worlds', 'my_world.wbt')

    my_robot_driver = WebotsController(
            {'robot_description': robot_description_path},

    return LaunchDescription([

The WebotsLauncher object is a custom action that allows you to start a Webots simulation instance. You have to specify in the constructor which world file the simulator will open.

webots = WebotsLauncher(
    world=os.path.join(package_dir, 'worlds', 'my_world.wbt')

Then, the ROS node interacting with the simulated robot is created. This node, named WebotsController, is located in the webots_ros2_driver package.

The node will be able to communicate with the simulated robot by using a custom protocol based on IPC and shared memory.

In your case, you need to run a single instance of this node, because you have a single robot in the simulation. But if you had more robots in the simulation, you would have to run one instance of this node per robot. The robot_name parameter is used to define the name of the robot the driver should connect to. The robot_description parameter holds the path to the URDF file which refers to the MyRobotDriver plugin. You can see the WebotsController node as the interface that connects your controller plugin to the target robot.

my_robot_driver = WebotsController(
        {'robot_description': robot_description_path},

After that, the two nodes are set to be launched in the LaunchDescription constructor:

return LaunchDescription([

Finally, an optional part is added in order to shutdown all the nodes once Webots terminates (e.g., when it gets closed from the graphical user interface).



More details on WebotsController and WebotsLauncher arguments can be found on the nodes reference page.

6 Edit additional files

Before you can start the launch file, you have to modify the file to include the extra files you added. Open my_package/ and replace its contents with:

from setuptools import setup

package_name = 'my_package'
data_files = []
data_files.append(('share/ament_index/resource_index/packages', ['resource/' + package_name]))
data_files.append(('share/' + package_name + '/launch', ['launch/']))
data_files.append(('share/' + package_name + '/worlds', ['worlds/my_world.wbt']))
data_files.append(('share/' + package_name + '/resource', ['resource/my_robot.urdf']))
data_files.append(('share/' + package_name, ['package.xml']))

    description='TODO: Package description',
    license='TODO: License declaration',
        'console_scripts': [
            'my_robot_driver = my_package.my_robot_driver:main',

This sets-up the package and adds in the data_files variable the newly added files: my_world.wbt, my_robot.urdf and

7 Test the code

From a terminal in your ROS 2 workspace run:

colcon build
source install/local_setup.bash
ros2 launch my_package

This will launch the simulation. Webots will be automatically installed on the first run in case it was not already installed.


If you want to install Webots manually, you can download it here.

Then, open a second terminal and send a command with:

ros2 topic pub /cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist  "linear: { x: 0.1 }"

The robot is now moving forward.


At this point, the robot is able to blindly follow your motor commands. But it will eventually bump into the wall as you order it to move forwards.


Close the Webots window, this should also shutdown your ROS nodes started from the launcher. Close also the topic command with Ctrl+C in the second terminal.


In this tutorial, you set-up a realistic robot simulation with Webots and implemented a custom plugin to control the motors of the robot.

Next steps

To improve the simulation, the robot’s sensors can be used to detect obstacles and avoid them. The second part of the tutorial shows how to implement such behaviour: