Setting up a robot simulation (Advanced)

Goal: Extend a robot simulation with an obstacle avoider node.

Tutorial level: Advanced

Time: 20 minutes


In this tutorial you will extend the package created in the first part of the tutorial: Setting up a robot simulation (Basic). The aim is to implement a ROS 2 node that avoids obstacles using the robot’s distance sensors. This tutorial focuses on using robot devices with the webots_ros2_driver interface.


This is a continuation of the first part of the tutorial: Setting up a robot simulation (Basic). It is mandatory to start with the first part to set up the custom packages and necessary files.

This tutorial is compatible with version 2023.1.0 of webots_ros2 and Webots R2023b, as well as upcoming versions.


1 Updating my_robot.urdf

As mentioned in Setting up a robot simulation (Basic), webots_ros2_driver contains plugins to interface most of Webots devices with ROS 2 directly. These plugins can be loaded using the <device> tag in the URDF file of the robot. The reference attribute should match the Webots device name parameter. The list of all existing interfaces and the corresponding parameters can be found on the devices reference page. For available devices that are not configured in the URDF file, the interface will be automatically created and default values will be used for ROS parameters (e.g. update rate, topic name, and frame name).

In my_robot.urdf replace the whole contents with:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<robot name="My robot">
        <device reference="ds0" type="DistanceSensor">
        <device reference="ds1" type="DistanceSensor">
        <plugin type="my_package.my_robot_driver.MyRobotDriver" />

In addition to your custom plugin, the webots_ros2_driver will parse the <device> tags referring to the DistanceSensor nodes and use the standard parameters in the <ros> tags to enable the sensors and name their topics.

2 Creating a ROS node to avoid obstacles

The robot will use a standard ROS node to detect the wall and send motor commands to avoid it. In the my_package/my_package/ folder, create a file named with this code:

import rclpy
from rclpy.node import Node
from sensor_msgs.msg import Range
from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist

MAX_RANGE = 0.15

class ObstacleAvoider(Node):
    def __init__(self):

        self.__publisher = self.create_publisher(Twist, 'cmd_vel', 1)

        self.create_subscription(Range, 'left_sensor', self.__left_sensor_callback, 1)
        self.create_subscription(Range, 'right_sensor', self.__right_sensor_callback, 1)

    def __left_sensor_callback(self, message):
        self.__left_sensor_value = message.range

    def __right_sensor_callback(self, message):
        self.__right_sensor_value = message.range

        command_message = Twist()

        command_message.linear.x = 0.1

        if self.__left_sensor_value < 0.9 * MAX_RANGE or self.__right_sensor_value < 0.9 * MAX_RANGE:
            command_message.angular.z = -2.0


def main(args=None):
    avoider = ObstacleAvoider()
    # Destroy the node explicitly
    # (optional - otherwise it will be done automatically
    # when the garbage collector destroys the node object)

if __name__ == '__main__':

This node will create a publisher for the command and subscribe to the sensors topics here:

self.__publisher = self.create_publisher(Twist, 'cmd_vel', 1)

self.create_subscription(Range, 'left_sensor', self.__left_sensor_callback, 1)
self.create_subscription(Range, 'right_sensor', self.__right_sensor_callback, 1)

When a measurement is received from the left sensor it will be copied to a member field:

def __left_sensor_callback(self, message):
    self.__left_sensor_value = message.range

Finally, a message will be sent to the /cmd_vel topic when a measurement from the right sensor is received. The command_message will register at least a forward speed in linear.x in order to make the robot move when no obstacle is detected. If any of the two sensors detect an obstacle, command_message will also register a rotational speed in angular.z in order to make the robot turn right.

def __right_sensor_callback(self, message):
    self.__right_sensor_value = message.range

    command_message = Twist()

    command_message.linear.x = 0.1

    if self.__left_sensor_value < 0.9 * MAX_RANGE or self.__right_sensor_value < 0.9 * MAX_RANGE:
        command_message.angular.z = -2.0


3 Updating additional files

You have to modify these two other files to launch your new node.

Edit and replace 'console_scripts' with:

'console_scripts': [
    'my_robot_driver = my_package.my_robot_driver:main',
    'obstacle_avoider = my_package.obstacle_avoider:main'

This will add an entry point for the obstacle_avoider node.

Go to the file and replace def generate_launch_description(): with:

def generate_launch_description():
    package_dir = get_package_share_directory('my_package')
    robot_description_path = os.path.join(package_dir, 'resource', 'my_robot.urdf')

    webots = WebotsLauncher(
        world=os.path.join(package_dir, 'worlds', 'my_world.wbt')

    my_robot_driver = WebotsController(
            {'robot_description': robot_description_path},

    obstacle_avoider = Node(

    return LaunchDescription([

This will create an obstacle_avoider node that will be included in the LaunchDescription.

4 Test the obstacle avoidance code

Launch the simulation from a terminal in your ROS 2 workspace:

From a terminal in your ROS 2 workspace run:

colcon build
source install/local_setup.bash
ros2 launch my_package

Your robot should go forward and before hitting the wall it should turn clockwise. You can press Ctrl+F10 in Webots or go to the View menu, Optional Rendering and Show DistanceSensor Rays to display the range of the distance sensors of the robot.



In this tutorial, you extended the basic simulation with a obstacle avoider ROS 2 node that publishes velocity commands based on the distance sensor values of the robot.

Next steps

You might want to improve the plugin or create new nodes to change the behavior of the robot. You can also implement a reset handler to automatically restart your ROS nodes when the simulation is reset from the Webots interface: